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Image by Milada Vigerova

What's the Difference Between Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks?

  • Anxiety Attacks: When there is a specific trigger that causes a physiological response.


  • (ex: Having a fear of heights. It's not something you normally need to stress about unless you are on a roller coaster. You begin to feel the anxiety but once you come off of the roller coaster, the feeling goes away).


  • Panic Attacks: Has no specific trigger and can come on at anytime. Usually much more intense. 

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"Depression and anxiety are one of those things that you don’t really understand until it happens to you.  It hit me like a ton of bricks when I suddenly couldn’t get up from bed, enjoy typical activities and spend time with family and friends.  Getting out of the house was frightening, completing a workday was draining and even the simplest of activities like taking a shower was excruciating. At the moment, I knew I wasn’t myself, but didn’t know what to do.  I didn’t find Erika, God did and put her in my path.  He knew that she was who I needed to help guide me and navigate me through these difficult times.  By His grace I entered Erika’s therapy room, that first day and a comforting smile greeted me along with a pleasant personality.


When you work with us, we help you learn helpful coping skills to manage your anxiety.


We work on calming that tense feeling that happens when you experience anxiety/ panic attacks and change those "what if" thoughts that often make us feel fearful and stuck. 


If you're ready to take the next step and work towards managing your anxiety and feeling better, We are here to Empower you to Heal

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